Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is LOMSAA?

    The Living Oaks Middle School Academic Alliance is a cooperative venture initiated by parents, incorporated under its own 501(c)3 as a California non-profit organization. Students are engaged in a program that incorporates academics, character development, and life experiences to provide an environment of learning which is designed to promote spiritual development and academic discipline for sixth, seventh and eighth-grade students.

  • Why middle school?

    Middle school is a vitally important time for shaping the future of each child. We endeavor to create each class as a safe, emotionally nurturing, and caring environment where each student is able to fulfill their potential in Christ. We desire to see our students become young ambassadors for Christ and already we are seeing this with the current class. 

  • How do you "teach religion?"

    We don't. We model a living faith and train up students according to God's principles as set forth in His Word. The most important way we do this is through our Life skills and Discipleship Training. We are doing things with these kids that no other middle school delivery system is able to in the amount of time we have--giving students a daily focus and continual "reset" on the Lord throughout the day. Our objectives are designed to do this, our resources are dedicated to providing this.

  • How is this different from other Christian academic programs?

    The results speak for themselves. Our current students are so excited to share their faith...they are hungry to fulfill the Great Commission. They are being taught Apologetics, and daily how to integrate their faith into real life. They are being challenged to test out their belief system and see how it compares with other religions and life philosophies. They wrestle with their self-concept and their actions from a Christian perspective and are given the opportunity to do so with reflective journaling, discussions, scripture study, and guided devotions--this is part of their normal everyday experience, rather than relegated to a "religion class" or rote memorization. God's word becomes alive and relevant to them on a day-to-day basis--and we have seen the fruit of that!

  • Is it more like a casual homeschool PROGRAM? Or more like a private school classroom?

    Both and neither; this middle school program is truly like no other! Our goal is to provide the best of the structure of a classroom experience and the best of the intimacy of a homeschool environment. Our students are raised in the community of Christian families who share in their desire to actively participate in their son or daughter's development into young adulthood. But unlike a traditional homeschool program, the students participate in a structured classroom setting, with classes meeting daily. LOMSAA has employed dynamic accredited teachers that ensure their students are completing their assignments and staying on track with each course.  We work hard on organizational skills so that assignments are not misplaced, binders are organized, and day planners stay current. Removing the chaos helps students to find success academically.

  • What are the tangible goals of the 3-year program?

    Beyond academic advancement and ability to keep pace with the best of their peers, we desire for students to be solid in their walk with the Lord and in their ability to speak about their faith when they leave to go to high school--whether public or private. We believe God has uniquely gifted each student with the potential to bring glory to Him by serving in leadership/service capacities in various roles. So we pair Lifeskills training with experiences through which students put what they learn into practice. For example, we have developed a unique rotational Student Government program that gives EVERY student experience in being responsible for the well-being of the whole during the school year. We have also emphasized the idea of being Christ's heart, hands, and feet in the world by encouraging growth in character and skills through volunteer services that bless others. We not only provide the opportunities, but we also provide the training, equipping, and tools for personal growth, so that each student may leave with a track record of their accomplishments here, plus the mindset, ability, and desire to continue the path.

  • How many students will you be accepting?

    We aim for a maximum of 20 students in each of our classes.

  • When and where will the class meet?

    Our class currently meets daily from 8:15 am-2:30 pm at NPFCC, 801 Knollwood Drive, Newbury Park CA 91320. There may be "Independent Study Days" as determined by our Program Director, where students complete their work at home to free up class time for excursions, etc.

  • What are you looking for in the interview process?

    We know there are many viable choices for middle school students in our community, and we certainly do not want to take away from those whom God has called elsewhere--each program has its own merits. And certainly, there will be some families with certain needs or preferences which we are unable to serve. What we are looking for is families who CATCH THE VISION. We want parents who are not quite satisfied with the options out there for intensive preparation for the journey ahead. Who want to pour into their students the essential skills for living the Christian life effectively. We want parents who are not just looking for a place to drop off their kids and be uninvolved but are excited about being an active part of their son or daughter’s middle school years.

  • How much does it cost?

    Our fees are based on factors such as the number of students enrolled, teachers' salaries, and classroom location. For what these students receive, and if you comparatively shop other private middle school alternatives, it’s an unbelievable bargain. Fees will cover curriculum supervision, Lifeskills, books, in-class tutoring, PE, etc. As is customary for most private middle schools, fees do not include hot lunch, teacher gifts, non-curriculum-related books/supplies, outdoor education, outside recreation classes/electives, music/athletics fees, etc. For more information, please email info@lomsaa.com.

  • Why should I consider LOMSAA over some of the other choices out there?

    As any parent who has been through this process before, you may discover that the middle school options in this community are limited, for a variety of reasons, and oftentimes costly. Even if you were planning a different course for your son or daughter for middle school, we encourage you to at least consider this program as a potential option--hear from our Director, the parents, and kids themselves what we have to offer. We’d love to tell you more about it--If this FAQ page does not answer your question, please send an e-mail to info@lomsaa.com.

  • What can a homeschooled student gain from this program?

    Traditional homeschooling obviously provides the most parental influence and individualized experience for a student. What our program adds is a daily social component and a healthy group dynamic which enhances the student's development, at a time when social skills and "finding my place in the group" are at the forefront of their minds. They learn what it's like to be a vital part of a body of believers. They are given positive peer influences and an "other"-focused outlook. They understand other perspectives and personalities different from their own, which all add up to rich body life and cooperative problem-solving. Best of all, they gain the support and influence of a community of other believers, establishing more public identity in Christ, and contributing as a whole to do more than a single-family is able to do on their own.

  • How can a homeschooled student benefit academically from the LOMSAA program?

    ASIDE from the daily and weekly LifeSkills, Discipleship and Social Development mentioned above, he/she will reap the benefit of:

    1. Onsite regular math tutoring by our credentialed and gifted teachers. 
    2. Creative history lessons by seasoned parents with a passion for the US and World History, weaving in the Christian context.
    3. Hands-on science labs.
    4. Study skills, tips, and a built-in study group to help in gaining independent learning skills for high school.
    5. Curriculum planned out and scheduled for you, including daily work assignments and subject selection to meet mandated CA state standards.
    6. PE option within a positive peer group.
    7. Standardized testing scheduled for a seamless transition into higher education.
    8. Logic & Apologetics: Weekly emphasis in articulating their faith in everyday and academic arenas, impromptu.
    9. Thinking Skills: LOMSAA students learn to listen well, learn well, and speak well.

    These are all things that if you are homeschooling on your own, you would have to do yourself. We have found that the collective experience of all the various adults involved far outweighs the gifting of any individual family.

  • How can I find out more about your program?

    If you have a particular concern about your student or if you have questions about the classroom and LOMSAA programming, please email us at info@lomsaa.com.

  • We believe God already knows the families whom He has chosen to share in this adventure with us.

    Your job is to find out if it's YOU! As with all major decisions in life, please pray for direction and ask for the Lord's confirmation. Read our Mission Statement and Statement of Faith, which describes who we are and what we stand for. If anything you read resonates with you, and this fits with what you want for your son or daughter for middle school, then we welcome the opportunity to talk more with you!


  • Slide title

    "It’s so nice to hear that things are going well at LOMSAA. Every time I drop my daughter off or pick her up from school I thank God for the blessing that LOMSAA and all of you were for us. I can’t imagine how much trepidation I’d have each day if I didn’t believe that she has a deeply rooted faith in God and that you taught her how to deal with things she sees and hears at school each day now." 

    P Family

  • "My son came from a private Christian elementary school to LOMSAA, and the 2 years he spent there not only grounded him in his relationship with Christ, but he grew so much confidence in himself & who God made him to be. He is a strong, confident Christian young man. It has been 2 years since he graduated, and to this day he says he wishes he could attend LOMSAA again because he loved it so much." 

    L Family

  • Slide title

    "LOMSAA has left a huge impact on our family. We have grown so much over the last couple of years. God is pouring His blessings out on His children when we seek Him first in all we do. We will keep in touch for sure and I'm sure we will run into each other again very soon." 

    Class of 2013 Graduated Family

  • "A neat story I wanted to share with you that I learned when I was talking with one of my daughter's college roommates recently. Her friends constantly ask her to proofread their papers and help with sentence structure and report paper format, etc. So her roommate finally asked her one day, "why are you so good at English?" My daughter's response was that she had the most amazing English teacher named Mrs. Gourley who taught her the proper way to write and now it just comes naturally."


  • "Time and time again, Sam's wonderful experience at LOMSAA comes forward as a contributor to who she is today! She left LOMSAA with a heart for the soul of others and she has taken that with her into high school. She is working on starting a teacher/student spritual mentoring program at her high school and has shared the gospel with several of her classmates. She is confident in her faith and knew that was the first place to go as she faced all the difficulties of our move to northern California. The amazing thing about LOMSAA wasn't just the curriculum or the learning approach (although they were great!), it was a circle of wonderful adults, both parents and teachers, who became a support system for her. She knew that at any time, she had an entire group of people she could seek advice, direction and encouragement from. Those adults didn't help us craft new excuses to stay where she was, but instead helped her take the next step to becoming the woman God wants her to be. I want to offer a special thanks to Mrs. C., who really helped the kids dig into their faith and convictions. This was exactly what our daughter needed before entering a large (1500+) Christian High School. She had her "compass" set and was prepared as she has navigated temptations and distractions."

    The E Family

  • "I would just like to tell you how much my son has grown this past year. I told him, wouldn't it be great if LOMSAA went all the way through high school? To my great surprise, he said no. He looked me in the eye and said , I am being trained to go out and change the world. I can't do that from here. He has so much love and respect for both you and Mrs. Knudsen and since he is quiet, I thought I would let you guys know what a profound impact you have had on him. May God continue to bless you."

    The L Family

  • " I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a blessing you and your faculty are in our lives. Thank you for your tireless effort in training up the next generation disciples for Christ. It is so beautiful to see the way you pour out Christ love on our children. It is remarkable the way your staff balances grace and accountability. We are so grateful to be a part of LOMSAA."

    The M. Family

  • "Mrs. Gourley, I can't find the words to properly describe what my heart feels for you. God blessed us the day we met you and your impact on our family is forever. Your grace, wisdom, calm, leadership and faith have just poured into us. There have been so many lessons that have made an impact on me and my son. No matter what the situations you approached it with grace and mercy. You take each student (and parents too) and find their shining light. You then pour into them so that their light shines brighter and in the end, together is just the most magnificent and brilliant light. It's God's love through you and in you that makes you so special and impactful. You act according to God's will which has blessed us a million times over. You are always in our hearts and remembered with profound fondness." 


  • LOMSAA Director Laurie Gourley does more than direct---she prays, teaches, encourages, listens, advises and prioritizes the emotional, academic and spiritual needs of her student body, parents, teachers and families. In an effort to teach students biblical principals and how to prepare for defending their faith when the world challenges their biblical view of the world, she has integrated devotions, weekly Pastor-led messages, student band/worship and scripture memorization that starts at the top of the school day and weaves throughout. That same focused attention also shows up in the one-to-one attention Laurie provides parents. I for one am one of those parents whom Laurie has helped encourage in both the academic and emotional shaping of my child. Laurie has also shared in shouldering decisions by advocating and attending district meetings on my behalf and by prayerfully coming alongside our family with input and suggestions relative to my child’s academic needs. I have seen Laurie do the same for many other parents with love, willingness and intention. I am incredibly grateful for Laurie who aims to help steer the school and parents through prayer, warmth and accepting dialogue, an open mind to new and different ideas and approaches, discussion and careful thought. In an effort to create community on both the adult and student level, Laurie also spearheads parenting group discussions and women’s bible/book studies where she also has the opportunity to offer perspective relative to parenting and child development of today’s youth. In addition to wanting to provide the best and most meaningful learning experiences for students through hands-on learning experiences, in depth projects such as the (biblical) study of creation over a 7-day period, project-based learning opportunities, science fairs, life skills classes taught by professionals in their fields and field trips, Laurie has demonstrated a personal commitment to the broad education the LOMSAA community offers. Laurie goes beyond director but serves as shepherd, counselor and friend to us all. 

  • I would like to express my gratitude and encourage you in your work for Christ. My son graduated from LOMSAA in 2014, the third class. Later he got baptized in his first year of high school. He is now a 2nd Lieutenant of Space Force after graduating from the United States Air Force Academy in May. He will continue graduate school at MIT in the Fall. The way you support the students through your loving, caring, praying, guiding, and teaching, makes a difference in those teenagers' hearts. You have been planting Gospel seeds in their hearts. I thank God you answered His call to teach the next generation to walk in His truth. May God continue blessing you through your service.

  • Slide title

    "It’s so nice to hear that things are going well at LOMSAA. Every time I drop my daughter off or pick her up from school I thank God for the blessing that LOMSAA and all of you were for us. I can’t imagine how much trepidation I’d have each day if I didn’t believe that she has a deeply rooted faith in God and that you taught her how to deal with things she sees and hears at school each day now." 

    P Family

  • "My son came from a private Christian elementary school to LOMSAA, and the 2 years he spent there not only grounded him in his relationship with Christ, but he grew so much confidence in himself & who God made him to be. He is a strong, confident Christian young man. It has been 2 years since he graduated, and to this day he says he wishes he could attend LOMSAA again because he loved it so much." 

    L Family

  • Slide title

    "LOMSAA has left a huge impact on our family. We have grown so much over the last couple of years. God is pouring His blessings out on His children when we seek Him first in all we do. We will keep in touch for sure and I'm sure we will run into each other again very soon." 

    Class of 2013 Graduated Family

  • "A neat story I wanted to share with you that I learned when I was talking with one of my daughter's college roommates recently. Her friends constantly ask her to proofread their papers and help with sentence structure and report paper format, etc. So her roommate finally asked her one day, "why are you so good at English?" My daughter's response was that she had the most amazing English teacher named Mrs. Gourley who taught her the proper way to write and now it just comes naturally."


  • "Time and time again, Sam's wonderful experience at LOMSAA comes forward as a contributor to who she is today! She left LOMSAA with a heart for the soul of others and she has taken that with her into high school. She is working on starting a teacher/student spritual mentoring program at her high school and has shared the gospel with several of her classmates. She is confident in her faith and knew that was the first place to go as she faced all the difficulties of our move to northern California. The amazing thing about LOMSAA wasn't just the curriculum or the learning approach (although they were great!), it was a circle of wonderful adults, both parents and teachers, who became a support system for her. She knew that at any time, she had an entire group of people she could seek advice, direction and encouragement from. Those adults didn't help us craft new excuses to stay where she was, but instead helped her take the next step to becoming the woman God wants her to be. I want to offer a special thanks to Mrs. C., who really helped the kids dig into their faith and convictions. This was exactly what our daughter needed before entering a large (1500+) Christian High School. She had her "compass" set and was prepared as she has navigated temptations and distractions."

    The E Family

  • "I would just like to tell you how much my son has grown this past year. I told him, wouldn't it be great if LOMSAA went all the way through high school? To my great surprise, he said no. He looked me in the eye and said , I am being trained to go out and change the world. I can't do that from here. He has so much love and respect for both you and Mrs. Knudsen and since he is quiet, I thought I would let you guys know what a profound impact you have had on him. May God continue to bless you."

    The L Family

  • " I just wanted to take this opportunity to say what a blessing you and your faculty are in our lives. Thank you for your tireless effort in training up the next generation disciples for Christ. It is so beautiful to see the way you pour out Christ love on our children. It is remarkable the way your staff balances grace and accountability. We are so grateful to be a part of LOMSAA."

    The M. Family

  • "Mrs. Gourley, I can't find the words to properly describe what my heart feels for you. God blessed us the day we met you and your impact on our family is forever. Your grace, wisdom, calm, leadership and faith have just poured into us. There have been so many lessons that have made an impact on me and my son. No matter what the situations you approached it with grace and mercy. You take each student (and parents too) and find their shining light. You then pour into them so that their light shines brighter and in the end, together is just the most magnificent and brilliant light. It's God's love through you and in you that makes you so special and impactful. You act according to God's will which has blessed us a million times over. You are always in our hearts and remembered with profound fondness." 


  • LOMSAA Director Laurie Gourley does more than direct---she prays, teaches, encourages, listens, advises and prioritizes the emotional, academic and spiritual needs of her student body, parents, teachers and families. In an effort to teach students biblical principals and how to prepare for defending their faith when the world challenges their biblical view of the world, she has integrated devotions, weekly Pastor-led messages, student band/worship and scripture memorization that starts at the top of the school day and weaves throughout. That same focused attention also shows up in the one-to-one attention Laurie provides parents. I for one am one of those parents whom Laurie has helped encourage in both the academic and emotional shaping of my child. Laurie has also shared in shouldering decisions by advocating and attending district meetings on my behalf and by prayerfully coming alongside our family with input and suggestions relative to my child’s academic needs. I have seen Laurie do the same for many other parents with love, willingness and intention. I am incredibly grateful for Laurie who aims to help steer the school and parents through prayer, warmth and accepting dialogue, an open mind to new and different ideas and approaches, discussion and careful thought. In an effort to create community on both the adult and student level, Laurie also spearheads parenting group discussions and women’s bible/book studies where she also has the opportunity to offer perspective relative to parenting and child development of today’s youth. In addition to wanting to provide the best and most meaningful learning experiences for students through hands-on learning experiences, in depth projects such as the (biblical) study of creation over a 7-day period, project-based learning opportunities, science fairs, life skills classes taught by professionals in their fields and field trips, Laurie has demonstrated a personal commitment to the broad education the LOMSAA community offers. Laurie goes beyond director but serves as shepherd, counselor and friend to us all. 

  • I would like to express my gratitude and encourage you in your work for Christ. My son graduated from LOMSAA in 2014, the third class. Later he got baptized in his first year of high school. He is now a 2nd Lieutenant of Space Force after graduating from the United States Air Force Academy in May. He will continue graduate school at MIT in the Fall. The way you support the students through your loving, caring, praying, guiding, and teaching, makes a difference in those teenagers' hearts. You have been planting Gospel seeds in their hearts. I thank God you answered His call to teach the next generation to walk in His truth. May God continue blessing you through your service.

Donations & Gifts

THE BAR HAS BEEN SET! Through the generosity of a faithful friend, your tax-deductible contributions will DOUBLE with a MATCHING GIFT!

Are you a friend or relative of a student who has benefited from the program? Does your company offer a corporate matching gifts program? The excellent Christ-centered education our students experience at LOMSAA are made possible by God's gracious provision through donors like you.

YOU can make a vital difference, by giving a tax-deductible contribution right now!

Thanks for spreading the word and investing in tomorrow's leaders TODAY!

LOMSAA is an independently incorporated California 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

To receive an acknowledgment for your tax records, please complete the information below:

Where would you like your funds used?(if not designated, all monies will go to GENERAL fund)



1336 N. Moorpark Rd. #194

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

OR, you may CLICK the DONATE BUTTON to make a tax-deductible donation in any amount. (Note a 2.9% surcharge will be subtracted from your donation by these payment hosts as a transaction fee.)

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